Board's Latest Notification: Digital Signature is Mandatory for Principal/Head
of School to Upload LOC and Other Registration Data As per the latest
notification from the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board, it is
mandatory for the Principal/Head of School to use a Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC) while uploading List of Candidates (LOC) and other
registration data for the session 2020-2021 on CBSE website. Comply with this
directive. Opt to buy Organization Category DSC from Umatic. Umatic is RA of
Care4sign and Pantasign Certifying Authority (CA) in India. This makes us
perfectly suited to meet any DSC requirements across the board. Leveraging our
years of experience in the industry, we have also made the process of applying
and issuing DSCs simple and straightforward. Following are the steps that
Principal/Head of School needs to follow to buy a DSC for CBSE School: • Visit • Click on 'Buy Certificate' • Complete the simple KYC
registration process with provision to go completely paperless with regard to
submitting KYC documents • eSign and record video • Download DSC and use it to
submit LOC and other registration data on CBSE website